Today’s Flowers, Tomorrow’s Bouquet- A reflection on dreams, fresh vision, and the New Year
If our goal for the new year is to survive, we are missing it and we are thinking too small.
If that’s how you are feeling about this new year. I encourage you to read and think about this year. What are you excited for? What do you want to change? Nothing is too small for our God.
So let’s start today!
From the Gates to the Table: A Reflection on Thanksgiving, Posture, and The Prodical Table.
What is thanksgiving all about? Mallory dives into a reflection of the posture of the notorious King David and God’s heart behind the prodigal kid. She makes a case that both are necessary to uncovering the heart and posture of thankfulness.
A Liturgy on Seeking
Happy Saturday all.
In this season of rest and renewal. I have often been thinking, and having conversations in community over seeking and desiring, and what that looks like.
This week, I wrote a reflection guiding us into seeking, instead of earning based off of a statement in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:33). And what desiring looks like in relation to God while it referencing the Trinitarian love theology.
As always thank you for taking the time to read and ponder with me.
All love,
Summer Reset
In. this post, I reflect and dissect what I have called my my Summer Reset , and a few things I have learned in this season.
Your Invited to: …The Easy Yoke
Happy Good Friday and Resurrection weekend, my friends! I took some time this Holy Week to reflect, and in the midst, I was lead a direction of exploring a few words from the God of peace. Here is my reflection on what Eugene Peterson calls, “The Unforced Rhythms of Grace”, the easy yoke, rest, and our transformation through the Resurrection.
The Psalm 23 Heart, The Heart of Contentment
Psalm 23. A psalm of the Lord’s goodness, but what if it’s more? What if it’s a reflection of our hearts? What if it exposes our need for more? What if it’s praise for contentment, when the norm is lack thereof.